Supplements – Every Dog Needs Balanced Superpowers

Imagine if superheroes didn't have the special gadgets that help them use their powers effectively. Without these tools, flying, lifting heavy objects, or running fast would be quite a challenge, right? Similarly, our canine friends, just like caped crusaders, often benefit from extra support through dietary supplements to maintain their health and vitality. This article will explain why even the best diets might not always be enough and how Planet Dog's special formula ensures your pet has all the vital 'superpowers' they need.
Image of a superhero dog

Natural Limitations - Superheroes Without Enough Sunlight

Think of Superman and his need for sunlight to recharge. What if the sunlight was too weak? He wouldn’t be able to do much, would he?

Like Superman, sometimes dogs don't get all the nutrients they need from their food. This can be due to poor soil quality affecting the nutrients in plants or seasonal changes that alter the nutritional content of their meals.

Practical Example: If the beef a dog eats comes from cattle that grazed in nutrient-poor pastures, the meat might be low in zinc. It's similar to how a superhero might struggle without enough sunlight.

Processing Losses - When Super Suits Lose Power

Imagine a superhero whose suit must be charged to work but loses some power every time it’s prepared. What if it eventually doesn’t hold enough charge to be useful?

Similarly, when dog food is made (like cooking or baking), some nutrients can be lost. This happens because heat or air can degrade these nutrients, just like how a suit might lose power.

Real-life Scenario: Think about roasting vegetables for a family dinner. If they're left in the oven too long, their vitamins and antioxidants can be lost, just like essential nutrients can degrade in dog food during cooking.

Biologic Essentials - Essential Superhero Gadgets

Some superheroes aren’t born with all their powers and need gadgets to help them perform heroic deeds, like Batman and his utility belt.

Dogs also have certain nutritional needs that their bodies can't meet on their own. They depend on their diet to provide these crucial nutrients, and if their food isn't up to par, we must supplement it to ensure they remain healthy.

Example: Just as Batman needs his utility belt to fly, dogs need Vitamin D supplements in their food to help them absorb calcium effectively and maintain strong bones.

Essential Supplements Every Canine Hero Needs

Here’s a quick rundown of the "super tools" dogs need in their diets, whether they consume plant-based or meat-based foods, and irrespective of the cooking method used:

  • Vitamin D: Just as a superhero's cape allows them to soar, Vitamin D is essential for maintaining strong bones in dogs. Since dogs cannot synthesise sufficient Vitamin D from sunlight, supplementation is necessary to avoid bone health issues
  • Vitamin B12: Think of Vitamin B12 as the gadget that powers a superhero’s brain and overall vitality. Essential for nerve function and energy, this vitamin is especially needed in plant-based diets but is also crucial in meat-based diets to keep your dog lively and healthy.
  • Antioxidant Vitamins (A, C, E): Acting like a superhero’s protective shield, these vitamins guard against environmental damage and bolster the immune system. They often degrade during food processing, so supplementing them ensures your dog stays protected from disease.
  • Amino Acids and Fatty Acids (Taurine and L-Carnitine): Essential for the heart and energy levels, think of Taurine and L-Carnitine as the fuel that powers a superhero’s endurance and strength. These nutrients support cardiac muscle function and energy metabolism but are not adequately synthesised by dogs and are limited in plant-based foods. Supplementation is crucial to prevent heart diseases like dilated cardiomyopathy, a serious condition linked to taurine deficiency.
  • Probiotics: Like a sidekick aiding a superhero in their quests, probiotics help with digestion and maintaining a healthy gut. Adding these after cooking ensures they are active and effective, supporting your dog’s ability to absorb other vital nutrients.

By including these supplements in your dog’s diet, you’re ensuring they have all the necessary tools to maintain their health and vitality, similar to a well-equipped superhero ready to protect and serve.

Image showing the essential supplements & their benefits

Unpacking the Extensive Use of Supplements in Meat-Based Dog Foods: What Pet Owners Should Be Aware Of

Across 1,134 dry meat-based dog foods, we've identified a staggering 72 different supplements—7 amino acids, 41 minerals, and 24 vitamins. The extensive use of additives across many brands indicates that these dog foods might heavily depend on added nutrients to meet nutritional standards. For dog owners, this can be confusing, as labels often don't clearly explain why these supplements are included. This lack of detailed information can make it challenging for you to make informed choices about what’s truly best for your dog’s diet.

While each supplement has its purpose, the necessity for such a broad array is concerning. For example, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, a synthetic form of Vitamin K, is often added despite potential toxicity risks. Similarly, compounds like Sodium Tripolyphosphate are used more for texture improvement and shelf life extension rather than nutritional needs. These practices raise questions about the base quality of the ingredients and whether the foods are being enhanced artificially to meet dietary standards.

Planet Dog's Supplementation Strategy

Planet Dog adopts a scientifically guided supplementation strategy, incorporating only those nutrients that are essential for optimal canine health. Our approach respects the inherent nutritional value of our high-quality ingredients, ensuring that each supplement serves a definitive, evidence-based purpose. This philosophy not only supports the health of your pet but also aligns with a more natural, science-based approach to canine nutrition.

By choosing Planet Dog, you ensure that your canine companion receives a diet that is both effective and closely aligned with their natural dietary needs, free from unnecessary and potentially questionable supplementation.

plant-based dog food
Dog supplements
Vitamin D for dogs
Vitamin B12
Antioxidant vitamins
Taurine for dogs
Canine Nutrition
Heart health for dogs

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